Thursday, May 27, 2010

Snow and Escalators

On the eve of a new comics-related project (coming soon!) I have to remind myself that yes, I actually can make comics. Here are some oldies.

What better way to celebrate 90+ degree weather in NYC than with a wintry comic plumbing the depths of my heart?
In lieu of a website proper, this blog sure does make for some convenient online comics viewing/archiving. Here's another one!

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Not too long ago, WildAid sponsored a two contests (one-color and four-color), challenging folks to come up with a tiger-themed t-shirt design; 2010 being the Year of the Tiger in the Chinese zodiac and all. Long story short, my design won the one-color contest!

Maybe WildAid spokesman and avid tiger supporter Jackie Chan will come to my house and be my friend.
I hadn't had much opportunity to do a lot of graphic design since college, and it was pretty jarring to work on something that didn't have any story to it. So I made the tiniest bit of narrative for myself: tigers are on the verge of extinction (the flatline), and we can help them (flatline comes to life to make tiger stripes).

Click here to see the extra-loquacious version of that narrative, as well as the four-color contest winner and the honorable mentions. Thanks WildAid!