Monday, December 14, 2009

Promethea UnColored

Hey, I did it! Inks!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Promethea UnInked

From Alan Moore's Promethea, which I just finished reading. I don't think Mr. Moore has converted me to his brand of Hermetic Kabbalah, but there's no way you could read that whole series without being affected somehow. And J.H. Williams' page layouts! Yowza!

Inks tomorrow? I only posted this today because I was getting antsy.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

At The Mountains of Man-ness

No superheroes this time!

Here's a sketch that I got carried away with. I was trying to get a feel for this character, who's from something that I've sort of been thinking about working on. Maybe.