Monday, December 14, 2009

Promethea UnColored

Hey, I did it! Inks!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Promethea UnInked

From Alan Moore's Promethea, which I just finished reading. I don't think Mr. Moore has converted me to his brand of Hermetic Kabbalah, but there's no way you could read that whole series without being affected somehow. And J.H. Williams' page layouts! Yowza!

Inks tomorrow? I only posted this today because I was getting antsy.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

At The Mountains of Man-ness

No superheroes this time!

Here's a sketch that I got carried away with. I was trying to get a feel for this character, who's from something that I've sort of been thinking about working on. Maybe.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Girl Power

In light of my inability to produce newer work on a timely basis (since I'm fiddling with some actual sequential drawings), I thought I'd post an older drawing: a muscular Power Girl. I like my super-women to look like they won't snap at the waist and/or collapse under the weight of their bosom. So sue me.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Animal Man's gotta be such a fun character to write. You'll be writing and suddenly think, "Damn, how am I gonna write him out of this jam?" Then you flip open some zoology book and go, "Oh yeah, he'll shoot octopus ink from his butt."

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Arm Wrassles

Hercules arm-wrestling the Thing. Duh! It's so self-explanatory it's crazy.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Romantic Spider-Creep

This is the last spread in my '08 - fall '09 sketchbook, meant to be a romantic send-off to the era. Instead, Spider-Man's tap-tapping at the window has Mary Jane–that's who that's supposed to be–genuinely scared.
Remember how I said I didn't want to do inking? Whatever.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Norse Code

For some reason I have a way easier time drawing in my Moleskine than in my regular 9 x 12 sketchbook. It's kind of a problem.

Here's Loki, sulking, with the Enchantress, sorcery-ing.

It might see the light of inks one day, it might not. I wanna be a penciller, not a tracer, naw mean?

Monday, September 28, 2009

Introductions And Disco Mutants

I like comic books. Wham-pow-kaboom-style comic books.

Art school somehow made me not want to draw muscles in spandex; it somehow twisted my mind into thinking that drawing comics would be an ignoble career choice. Something must have happened since then, though, because now all I want to draw are superheroes.

Here's a drawing of Dazzler, the disco mutant superheroine. My pre-collegiate, high-school self would be proud of me.