Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Arm Wrassles

Hercules arm-wrestling the Thing. Duh! It's so self-explanatory it's crazy.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Romantic Spider-Creep

This is the last spread in my '08 - fall '09 sketchbook, meant to be a romantic send-off to the era. Instead, Spider-Man's tap-tapping at the window has Mary Jane–that's who that's supposed to be–genuinely scared.
Remember how I said I didn't want to do inking? Whatever.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Norse Code

For some reason I have a way easier time drawing in my Moleskine than in my regular 9 x 12 sketchbook. It's kind of a problem.

Here's Loki, sulking, with the Enchantress, sorcery-ing.

It might see the light of inks one day, it might not. I wanna be a penciller, not a tracer, naw mean?